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(10 minutes of popular science) How to solve the marriage and love confusion of older women? [www.richdady.cn] After PkS_bilibili _ bilibili

(10 minutes of popular science) How to solve the marriage and love confusion of older women? [www.richdady.cn] After PkS_bilibili _ bilibili





  • 重点词汇
  • 分钟


  • 科普

    popular science; science popularization

  • 大龄

    older; big; elderly; elder

  • 剩女

    leftover woman; leftover lady; spinster; 3S women; Gold miss

  • 婚恋

    marry and fall in love; engage in a romantic relationship leading to marriage

  • 困惑

    confused; puzzled; baffled; bewildered; mystified; disconcerted; lost; hazy; muddled; bemused; perplexed; foxed; addled; prehending; nonplussed; confusion; perplexity; bewilderment; puzzlement; bafflement; mystification; question; dither; fog; flutter; flap; bemusement; muddle; quandary; vexation; discomfiture; confuse; puzzle; perplex; baffle; bewilder; confound; mystify; flummox; disconcert; befuddle; floor; throw; defeat; reel; evade; embarrass; bemuse; obfuscate; beat; discomfit; fox; muddled up; freaks out; befog; screwed up; feel lost; put off their stroke; throw for a loss; tie yourself in knots; tie yourself up in knots; mixed up; at sea; at a loss; in a stew; in a muddle

  • 如何


  • 解决

    solve; resolve; cure; settle; deal with; address; tackle; dispose of; work out; iron out; clear up; sort out; overcome; surmount; clinch; solution; resolution; settlement; solving; round; around
