- 重点词汇
- 分钟
- 教程
course of study; tutorial; course
- 长期
long term; long period; lengthy period; long run; long-term; prolonged; extended; chronic; secular; long-lasting; long-range; lengthy; chronically; long; forever; over the long haul; for a long time; in the long run; for long
- 头脑
head; brain; mind
- 混沌
chaos; haze; muddle; turbidity; chaotic; disordered; turbid; muddled; murky
- 可能
possible; probable; likely; potential; feasible; poss; liable; prospective; may; can; could; might; will; should; would; allow; maybe; like; perhaps; possibly; probably; perchance; potentially; possibility; likelihood; chance; probability; it is possible that; there is a chance that; by any chance
- 哪些
which; which ones; what; who
- 疾病的
- 前兆
omen; sign; forewarning; precursor; harbinger; premonition; indication