- 重点词汇
- 分钟
- 科普
popular science; science popularization
- 什么
what; whatever; wot; something; anything; everything; nothing (in negative statements); eh; pardon
- 原因
reason; cause; source; rationale; basis; occasion; motive; motivation; sense; meaning; anatomy; recipe; explanation; causation; causal
- 意外的
unhoped; unlooked; accidental; sudden; unexpected; unlooked-for
- 前世
preexistence; previous life; past life; former existence; incarnation
- 故事
story; tale; narrative; plot; old practice; yarn; saga; romance; myth; parable; routine
- 微信
- 公众
the public; general public; community; populace; audience; wananchi; public; communal
- 今生
this life; the present life