- 重点词汇
- 分钟
- 科普
popular science; science popularization
- 失业
unemployment; joblessness; be unemployed; be out of work; lose one's job; lose one's position; unemployed; jobless; out of work
- 期间
period; duration; time; course; interval; span; in the course of; throughout the period; over the time
- 心理
psychology; mind; psychological; mental; psychic; psycho-
- 调适
adjust; adapt; accommodate; regulate; tune; modify
- 方法
method; way; means; manner; road; avenue; gateway; route; measure; approach; mode; system; channel; medium; methodology; formula; prescription; recipe; technique; tool; device; instrument; mechanism; mechanic; tack; line; view; lever; technical
- 微信
- 号码
number; no.