- 重点词汇
- 分钟
- 教程
course of study; tutorial; course
- 孩子
child; kid; children; youngster; son; daughter; family; offspring; son or daughter; bairn; sonny; progeny; childish; childlike
- 学习
study; learn; do; learn from; read; workshop; educate oneself; pick up; hit the books; learning; schooling; studies; academic work; pursuit of knowledge
- 不好的
- 辅导
coach; counsel; tutelage; counseling; coaching; tutorial; remedial
- 微信
- 公众
the public; general public; community; populace; audience; wananchi; public; communal
- 前世
preexistence; previous life; past life; former existence; incarnation
- 今生
this life; the present life