- 重点词汇
- 分钟
- 科普
popular science; science popularization
- 存在
exist; be; lie; live; obtain; survive; subsist; reside; find; bubble; occur; make; consist in; pertain; limit to; existence; being; survival; presence; occurrence; existent; present; -dom; there; existentially; in existence; as an existence
- 哪些
which; which ones; what; who
- 科学
science; scientific knowledge; natural philosophy; scientific
- 依据
basis; support; gauge; by; according to; on the basis of; in accordance with; as per
- 微信
- 公众
the public; general public; community; populace; audience; wananchi; public; communal
- 前世
preexistence; previous life; past life; former existence; incarnation
- 今生
this life; the present life