- 重点词汇
- 分钟
- 教程
course of study; tutorial; course
- 无形
invisible; intangible; incorporeal; formless; unseen; invisibly; imperceptibly
- 干扰
interfere; interfere with; disturb; disrupt; jam; meddle; intervene; invade; mess up; hamper; throw a spanner in the works; interference; disturbance; disruption; jamming
- 如何
- 影响
influence; effect; impact; impression; pull; bearing; repercussion; sway; leverage; consequence; spillover; reverberation; ascendancy; affect; govern; involve; condition; influential; impactful; governing; beyond
- 心理
psychology; mind; psychological; mental; psychic; psycho-
- 健康
health; fitness; well-being; wellness; healthy; fit; well; sound; robust; in good shape; in good fettle; in trim; in good trim; promote health; maintain fitness; ensure well-being; enhance wellness
- 微信
- 号码
number; no.