- 重点词汇
- 分钟
- 教程
course of study; tutorial; course
- 大龄
older; big; elderly; elder
- 剩女
leftover woman; leftover lady; spinster; 3S women; Gold miss
- 咨询
consult; seek advice; inquire; counsel; ask for information; consultative; advisory; consultation; advice; inquiry; counseling; consultancy; consulting service; information service
- 技巧
skill; technique; trick; artistry; finesse; knack; skillful; skilled
- 微信
- 公众
the public; general public; community; populace; audience; wananchi; public; communal
- 前世
preexistence; previous life; past life; former existence; incarnation
- 今生
this life; the present life