- 重点词汇
- 超过
exceed; surpass; pass; better; above; beyond; tower; outstrip; outdo; overtake; overhaul; outweigh; outpace; top; cap; transcend; outperform; go beyond; overshoot; outrun; outwit; leave behind; north; upwards; over; excess; out-; over-; past; before; gone; in excess of; upwards of
- 一周
one week; hebdomad; a circle; a revolution; a week
- 没有
not have; lack; be without; be devoid of; do not have; be short of; go without; not; out; no; without; never; none; zero; empty; void; lacking; destitute; nonexistent; sans; minus; absent; absence; nonexistence; nothingness; zilch; there is not; not available; nope; naw; nothing; non-; a-; an-; -less; N/A; n/a (short for not available)
- 联系
contact; link; get in touch with; connect; associate; relate; reach; situate; communicate; link up; connect with; make contact; get in touch; liaise; look up; interface; tie up; connection; relation; tie; communication; nexus; tie-up; association; relationship; bond; in touch; in touch with