- 重点词汇
- 关于
about; regarding; on; for; in; with; to; of; into; after; over; towards; concerning; respecting; re; touching; -wise; thereto; bout; concern; relate; relate to; pertain; pertain to; be about; involve; regard; refer to; deal with; appertain to; relative to; be-; with respect to; pertaining to; in relation to; as for; in regard to; with regard to; in terms of; in the way of; in reference to; with reference to; as regards; in respect of; as far as is concerned
- 成语
idiom; set phrase; phrase
- 解释
explain; interpret; elucidate; expound; define; explicate; show; construe; unravel; clear up; account for; reason; illustrate; guide; plead; illuminate; paraphrase; delineate; decipher; solve; set out; gloss; reason out; explanatory; interpretive; interpretative; hermeneutic; expository; explanation; account; solution; interpretation; elucidation; construction; comment; commentary; understanding; definition; legend; exposition; rundown; story