- 重点词汇
- 音乐厅
concert/philharmonic/music hall
- 致敬
salute; pay one's respects to; render homage; tribute; homage
- 爵士
knight; sir; knightly; kt
- 大师
master; maestro; guru; grandmaster; virtuoso; artist; oracle; ustad
- 五十
fifty; the number 50
- 周年
- 热情
enthusiasm; fire; passion; zeal; ardor; warmth; fervor; eagerness; fervency; gusto; zest; vitality; ardour; vigour; pep; enthusiastic; keen; responsive; passionate; warm; welcoming; intense; cordial; ardent; fervent; zealous; hearty; avid; eager; fervid; zestful; enthusiastically; warmly; passionately; ardently; fervently; zealously; be enthusiastic; be passionate; with a will; with open arms
- 记录
record; log; note; register; track; document; minutes; chart; measure; capture; transcribe; take; keep; take down; note down; get down; record down; keep a record; keep a count of; keep count of; keep count; keep the minutes; take notes; make notes of; chalk up; documentation; entry; recording; reflection; history; archive; proceeding; tally; transcription; the record books