- 重点词汇
- 快乐
happy; up; gay; glad; jolly; joyful; cheerful; delighted; merry; blissful; pleased; gaiety; happily; joyfully; cheerfully; gaily; merrily; happiness; joy; pleasure; fun; cheer; delight; enjoyment; cheerfulness; merriment; felicity; gladness; enjoy; entertain; rejoice; gladden; with pleasure
- 旅行
travel; journey; tour; trip; go; make a journey; voyage; trek; traveling; touring; expedition; ride; jaunt; journeying; travelling; on a trip
- 新婚
get newly married; tie the knot recently
- 地狱
hell; underworld; netherworld; inferno; purgatory; perdition; abyss; Gehenna; Hades; hades nether world; hellish; infernal