- 重点词汇
- 完美
perfect; flawless; impeccable; ideal; consummate; faultless; perfectly; ideally; flawlessly; perfection; fullness; unity; flawlessness; crown; complement; make flawless; in mint condition
- 先生
Mr.; Mister; mister; sir; gent; squire; Shri; guv; gentleman; Esq
- 差不多
similar; near; close; some; nigh; about; nearly; almost; roughly; virtually; well-nigh; practically; pretty much; just about; pretty well; as good as; more or less
- 小姐
Miss; lady; missy; young lady; young woman; ma'am; ladyship; mademoiselle; your ladyship; lass
- 念书
study; read; attend school; pursue education; learn; hit the books
- 夫妇
husband and wife; couple; man and wife; conjugal; matrimonial
- 宠爱
dote on; pamper; cosset; spoil; coddle; mollycoddle; favor; favour; make a pet of sb.; love ardently; doting; favored; pampered