- 重点词汇
- 没有
not have; lack; be without; be devoid of; do not have; be short of; go without; not; out; no; without; never; none; zero; empty; void; lacking; destitute; nonexistent; sans; minus; absent; absence; nonexistence; nothingness; zilch; there is not; not available; nope; naw; nothing; non-; a-; an-; -less; N/A; n/a (short for not available)
- 关于
about; regarding; on; for; in; with; to; of; into; after; over; towards; concerning; respecting; re; touching; -wise; thereto; bout; concern; relate; relate to; pertain; pertain to; be about; involve; regard; refer to; deal with; appertain to; relative to; be-; with respect to; pertaining to; in relation to; as for; in regard to; with regard to; in terms of; in the way of; in reference to; with reference to; as regards; in respect of; as far as is concerned
- 爱的
- 歌曲
song; track; melody