- 重点词汇
- 狗狗
- 皮肤
skin; flesh; complexion; hide; cutaneous; superficial
- 出现
appear; emerge; arise; occur; surface; arrive; eclipse; show; come; make; take; start; form; happen; develop; figure; present; produce; walk; run; stage; raise; born; begin; touch; loom; spring; sprout; flash; manifest; materialize; come out; play out; show up; turn up; crop up; come up; open up; start up; present itself; offer itself; come along; come to pass; make an appearance; come into existence; come on the scene; raise its head; bring forth; float around; heave into sight; heave into view; rear its head; up; out; around; appearance; presence; emergence; occurrence; visitation; advent; stirring; birth; arrival
- 严重
serious; severe; bad; deep; grave; critical; acute; major; heavy; profound; weighty; grievous; big; extreme; gross; nasty; vicious; heavy-duty; aggravated; penal; ravenous; chronic; seriousness; gravity; severity; profundity; depth; aggravate; deepen
- 溃烂
ulcerate; fester; suppurate; decay; rot; become gangrenous