- 重点词汇
- 看得见
visible; noticeable; tangible
- 幽灵
ghost; specter; phantom; spirit; apparition; wraith; shade; spook; wight; ghostly; spectral; spooky; eerie
- 女人
woman; female; lady; gal; dame; lass; maid; wench; womankind; womenfolk; feminine; womanly
- 月子
postpartum period; confinement period; puerperium; lyingin period
- 盛夏
high summer; midsummer; dog days; the height of summer
- 夜晚
night; nighttime
- 可怕
fearful; terrible; horrible; dreadful; awful; frightful; scary; formidable; horrific; frightening; fearsome; horrendous; appalling; gruesome; hideous; dire; fearfully; terrifyingly; dreadfully; hideously
- 故事
story; tale; narrative; plot; old practice; yarn; saga; romance; myth; parable; routine