- 重点词汇
- 迟缓
slow; sluggish; tardy; dilatory; torpid; slowly; sluggishly; tardily; slowness; tardiness
- 家庭
family; household; home; house and home; menage; domestic; familial
- 支持
support; assist; back; favor; endorse; sustain; encourage; uphold; sympathize; stand by; stand up for; advocate; back up; root for; stick up for; shore up; prop up; supportive; sympathetic; favourable; friendly; favour; backing; backup; endorsement; patronage; assistance; sympathy; pro-; for; behind; pro; with; positively; in support of; in favor of
- 咨询
consult; seek advice; inquire; counsel; ask for information; consultative; advisory; consultation; advice; inquiry; counseling; consultancy; consulting service; information service