- 重点词汇
- 长期
long term; long period; lengthy period; long run; long-term; prolonged; extended; chronic; secular; long-lasting; long-range; lengthy; chronically; long; forever; over the long haul; for a long time; in the long run; for long
- 使用
use; employ; apply; take; operate; put; manage; handle; utilize; wield; call on; deal in; put to use; make use of; call into play; go with; avail oneself of; manipulate; occupy; utilise; access; touch; exercise; stretch; ply; work; disinter; usage; service; application; employment; consumption; commitment; occupancy; occupation; assertion; uptake; disposal; management; with; on; by means of; through the use of
- 手机
mobile phone; cell phone; cellular phone; smartphone; handset; cellular; handphone
- 致癌
cause cancer; induce cancer; be carcinogenic