- 重点词汇
- 秒钟
second clock
- 知道
know; tell; see; ken; be aware of; realize; understand; discern; be conscious of; let into; wise up; put wise to; aware; conscious; cognizant; knowledge; awareness; cognizance
- 发育
grow; develop; mature; evolve; flourish; growth; development; maturation; developed; grown; developing; developmental
- 倒退的
retrogressive; retrograde; retral; reversional
- 医学
medicine; medical science; medical
- 检查
check; test; inspect; examine; review; audit; survey; vet; monitor; screen; see; suss; look; process; probe; censor; check up; testing; inspection; exam; examination; checkup; check-up; scrutiny; policing; censorship; screening
- 微信
- 号码
number; no.