- 重点词汇
- 机动
mobile; motor; motorized; mechanical; maneuverable; power-driven; flexible; expedient
- 战士
soldier; warrior; fighter; combatant; serviceman; trooper; legionnaire; infantryman; foot soldier; enlisted man; ranker; <BrE>squaddie
- 高达
Gouda; reach up to; attain; up to
- 特别
special; especial; particular; unusual; unique; specific; outstanding; singular; extra; peculiar; remarkable; exceptional; extraordinary; distinctive; especially; super; quite; very; highly; extremely; specially; particularly; exceedingly; specifically; exceptionally; singularly; notably; tremendously; esp.; specialness; uniqueness; particularity; specialty; otherness; über-; out of the ordinary; in particular; ad hoc
- 天人
heavenly being; celestial being; deity; immortal; divine person