- 重点词汇
- 父亲的
fatherly; paternal; father's
- 工作
work; labor; perform; function; operate; serve; tenant; job; operation; employment; task; vocation; occupation; profession; assignment; undertaking; gig; dinkum; yakka; working; operational; functional; operating; occupational; on
- 秘密
secret; confidentiality; secrecy; mystery; stealth; covert; confidence; confidential; private; privy; underhand; underground; undercover; quiet; clandestine; secure; sneaky; arcane; stealthy; surreptitious; subterranean; hush-hush; ulterior; backstreet; backdoor; back-room; closed-door; cloak-and-dagger; hole-and-corner; behind-the-scenes; secretly; backstage; inwardly; crypto-; in secret; in camera; under wraps; under the counter; on the quiet; on the downlow; on the side; on the sly; behind the scenes; behind closed doors