- 重点词汇
- 全本
complete edition; full version; unabridged text; entire book
- 小说
novel; fiction; story
- 阅读
read; peruse; pore over; go through; look over; browse; scan; skim; reading; perusal
- 最快
at the soonest; fastest
- 热门
popular; hot; trendy; sought-after; favourite; in great demand; in vogue
- 章节
chapter; passage; section; chapter and section
- 推荐
recommend; nominate; suggest; sell; put forward; commend; propose; recommendation; nomination
- 排行榜
ranking list; top list; the charts
- 广告
advertisement; bill; spread; advertising; advert; commercial; ad; promo; placard; poster
- 免费
free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy; be free of charge; cost free; cost a dime; cost a penny; for free; at no cost; without payment; grant free of charge