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用友软件贵州分公司咨询🐆QQ:306007081⚜️财务管理系统流程🍔从小型企业到行业巨头,我们一路相伴。 贵阳财务软件,灵活适应不同规模企业需求,伴您成长每一步。🏕安卓平台开发软件🛫qq软件管家官方下载2014🥕建站h5

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  • 重点词汇
  • 分公司

    subsidiary; branch office; division; affiliate

  • 系统流程

    system flow

  • 巨头

    tycoon; magnate; giant; bigwig; mogul; baron; heavyweight; leader; powerhouse

  • 一路

    all the way; throughout the journey; the whole way; the entire journey; single file; prong

  • 相伴

    accompany; keep company; company; society; concomitant

  • 贵阳

    Guìyáng; Guiyang (capital of Guizhou Province, China)

  • 财务软件

    accounting software; financial software

  • 安卓

    Android; android

  • 开发软件

    developing software

  • 管家

    housekeeper; steward; butler; manager; majordomo; bailiff; chamberlain
