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UFIDA Guizhou Branch discusses the phone number: 13608572210, the financial accounting software of the trade union, wisdom Guiyang, accompanied by UFIDA! Guiyang UFIDA Software is committed to providing enterprises with the most advanced information technology. Our products help enterprises to transform digitally, making management more efficient and business smoother. 360 software developer platform to check the gold price, what software to download, seo enterprise website building system

UFIDA Guizhou Branch discusses the phone number: 13608572210, the financial accounting software of the trade union, wisdom Guiyang, accompanied by UFIDA! Guiyang UFIDA Software is committed to providing enterprises with the most advanced information technology. Our products help enterprises to transform digitally, making management more efficient and business smoother. 360 software developer platform to check the gold price, what software to download, seo enterprise website building system





  • 重点词汇
  • 分公司

    subsidiary; branch office; division; affiliate

  • 商讨

    discuss; deliberate; negotiate; confer; talk over; consult; debate; hash out

  • 记账

    keep accounts; record transactions; do bookkeeping; enter into the ledger; account for

  • 贵阳

    Guìyáng; Guiyang (capital of Guizhou Province, China)

  • 相伴

    accompany; keep company; company; society; concomitant

  • 最先进

    most advanced

  • 助力

    help; assist; aid; support; facilitate; contribute to; assistance

  • 顺畅

    smooth; fluent; flowing; slick; seamless; unhindered; unobstructed; smooth and easy; smoothly; freely; fluently; without let or hindrance; lubricate

  • 开发者

    developer; developer application

  • 黄金价格

    price of gold; gold rate
