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UFIDA Guizhou Branch answers Email:306007081@qq.com's human resources, intelligently optimizes, from recruitment to resignation, Guizhou Changjietong HR cloud platform, intelligently matches talents, automates salary calculation, enhances employee experience, and creates efficient and harmonious human capital management. How to realize the positioning function in the development of Liupanshui app # How to download and distribute #cad software is the system.

UFIDA Guizhou Branch answers Email:306007081@qq.com's human resources, intelligently optimizes, from recruitment to resignation, Guizhou Changjietong HR cloud platform, intelligently matches talents, automates salary calculation, enhances employee experience, and creates efficient and harmonious human capital management. How to realize the positioning function in the development of Liupanshui app # How to download and distribute #cad software is the system.





  • 重点词汇
  • 贵州


  • 分公司

    subsidiary; branch office; division; affiliate

  • 解答

    explain; do; answer; solve; resolve; respond; reply; clarify; elucidate; solution; explanation; key

  • 招聘

    recruitment; hiring; recruit and employ; situations Vacant; job posting; employment offer; job recruitment; recruit; hire; seek; employ; engage; enlist; sign up; take on; advertise for; for hire

  • 离职

    leave office; resign; depart; leave a position; quit a job; step down; depart from office; leave one's post; leave one's job temporarily; resigned; resignation; departure from office; out of office

  • 打造

    forge; build; create; make; shape; craft; manufacture; develop

  • 和谐的

    tuny; symphonious; simpatico; concordant; euphonious; eurythmic; tuneful

  • 人力资本

    human capital

  • 报销

    reimburse; claim expenses; apply for reimbursement; write off; wipe out

  • 分销

    retail store; distribution
