- 重点词汇
- 贵州
- 代理
agency; proxy; deputy; representation; act for; broker; represent; acting; surrogate; by procuration; on behalf of
- 了解
understand; see; know; inform; realize; comprehend; wise up; be familiar with; check up; figure out; make sense of; get to know; grasp; appreciate; familiarize; apprehend; fathom; take in; get the picture; take on board; tune in; acquaint oneself with; be onto; wise; understanding; informed; aware; conscious; acquainted; cognizant; knowledge; grip; fix; insight; comprehension; apprehension; acquaintance; onto; tuned in
- 软件网络
software network
- 游戏开发
game development
- 销售
sale; marketing; sell; do; carry; shift; merchandise
- 贵阳
Guìyáng; Guiyang (capital of Guizhou Province, China)
- 科技
science and technology; technology; tech; technological; high-tech
- 引领
lead; take; guide; usher; pilot; steer; set; marshal; shepherd; crane one's neck to look into the distance; eagerly look forward to sth.
- 未来
future; forward; would-be; coming; approaching; next; prospective; futuristic; tomorrow; time to come; prospect; futurity; in the future; in front of