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Guiyang UFIDA Technology Co., Ltd. exchanged the development of Email:306007081@qq.com Output Input Invoice Management app, customized outsourcing human resources strategy upgrade, UFIDA Software tailored the blueprint for talent development for Guiyang enterprises, and built the strongest team of enterprises from recruitment to retention. Investment in other debt instruments 〓〓 How to build your own website for free?

Guiyang UFIDA Technology Co., Ltd. exchanged the development of Email:306007081@qq.com Output Input Invoice Management app, customized outsourcing human resources strategy upgrade, UFIDA Software tailored the blueprint for talent development for Guiyang enterprises, and built the strongest team of enterprises from recruitment to retention. Investment in other debt instruments 〓〓 How to build your own website for free?





  • 重点词汇
  • 贵阳

    Guìyáng; Guiyang (capital of Guizhou Province, China)

  • 科技有限公司

    Science and Technology Ltd.

  • 进项

    income; revenue; earnings; proceeds; receipts

  • 发票

    invoice; receipt

  • 定制

    customize; have sth. made to order; tailor; custom-tailor; have sth. custom-made; custom-made; tailored; made-to-order; custom; to order

  • 外包

    outsource; subcontract; outsourcing; subcontracting

  • 蓝图

    blueprint; plan; scheme; design; layout; draft; roadmap

  • 招聘

    recruitment; hiring; recruit and employ; situations Vacant; job posting; employment offer; job recruitment; recruit; hire; seek; employ; engage; enlist; sign up; take on; advertise for; for hire

  • 最强

    forte fortissimo

  • 债权

    credit; claim; creditor's right; debt claim; receivable
