- 重点词汇
- 需要
need; want; require; demand; involve; call for; necessitate; take; entail; warrant; claim; depend on; have occasion to; scream for; call; requirement; necessity; requisition; necessary; essential; requisite; in want of; in order; in need of
- 分类
classify; sort; grade; divide; categorize; pigeonhole; compartmentalize; grouping; distinction; breakdown; classification; classified
- 信息
information; message; word; news; copy; intel; data; communication; input; info; skinny; poop; ammunition; post; knowledge; transmission; detail; book; scorecard; scoop; gen; piece of the puzzle; informational; informative
- 免费
free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy; be free of charge; cost free; cost a dime; cost a penny; for free; at no cost; without payment; grant free of charge
- 发布
issue; publish; release; break; deliver; ordain; announce; put out; promulgate; disseminate; proclaim; declare; post; publication; announcement; issuance; promulgation