- 重点词汇
- 思乡
miss home; be homesick; long for home; yearn for one's hometown
- 思想
thought; idea; thinking; ideology; philosophy; consciousness; think; contemplate; consider; reflect; ponder; meditate; ideological
- 城市
city; town; metropolis; urban area; burg; conurbation; urban; civic; municipal; urbanized; metropolitan
- 论坛
forum; tribune
- 北京
Beijing; Peking
- 上海
- 世界
world; globe; earth; universe; creation; worldwide; internationally; geo-
- 在线
online; be online; on line
- 经济
economy; financial condition; govern and benefit the people; economic; economical; dollars-and-cents; budget; economically
- 观察
observe; watch; survey; look; study; view; inspect; examine; keep an eye on; check out; watch for; observation