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ZBR.COM.CN 域名正在出售中,点此购买,先到先得,【】zbr.com.cn 域名正在出售中,点此购买,先到先得(QQ/微信:3089312969),直观易记,提升企业形象,拓展销售渠道,节省大量广告费,让您的企业品牌名扬四海。,-www.zbr.com.cn
ZBR.COM.CN 域名正在出售中,点此购买,先到先得,【】zbr.com.cn 域名正在出售中,点此购买,先到先得(QQ/微信:3089312969),直观易记,提升企业形象,拓展销售渠道,节省大量广告费,让您的企业品牌名扬四海。,-www.zbr.com.cn

ZBR.COM.CN domain name is on sale, click here to buy, first come first served, [] zbr.com.cn domain name is on sale, click here to buy, first come first served (QQ/ WeChat: 3089312969), which is intuitive and easy to remember, enhances corporate image, expands sales channels, saves a lot of advertising fees and makes your corporate brand famous all over the world. ,-www.zbr.com.cn

ZBR.COM.CN domain name is on sale, click here to buy, first come first served, [] zbr.com.cn domain name is on sale, click here to buy, first come first served (QQ/ WeChat: 3089312969), which is intuitive and easy to remember, enhances corporate image, expands sales channels, saves a lot of advertising fees and makes your corporate brand famous all over the world. ,-www.zbr.com.cn





  • 重点词汇
  • 域名

    domain name; domain

  • 出售中

    on the block; on offer

  • 先到先得

    first come, first served; first come served; on a first-come, first-served basis

  • 微信


  • 直观

    intuitive; visual; direct; perceptual intuition; intuitively; directly; visually

  • 企业形象

    corporate image; corporate image (CI); enterprise image

  • 拓展

    expand; extend; broaden; enlarge; open up; branch out into; expansion; extension; enlargement

  • 销售渠道

    marketing channel; channel of distribution

  • 广告费

    advertising expenses; advertising expense/rate/fee/cost

  • 名扬四海

    be renowned far and wide; be famous all over the world; be celebrated everywhere; have a worldwide reputation; be known across the globe
